Waitlist Me has a couple options for allowing customers to add themselves to the waitlist and reservations. It also offers variety of ways to customize the process to the needs of different businesses.
A few months ago we released a web widget that businesses can easily add to their websites. Many businesses told us how much they liked the new widget. As part of the feedback we received, we found ways we could make implementing and using the new widget even simpler, and we added an option to use the widget on a hosted page.
The new widget page allows businesses to just link to their unique URL from a website, blog, email, or whatever. The widget page is easier for less tech savvy businesses, and there is no need to involve a web developer to make sure it is added correctly to the website.
The widget page is also especially well-suited for businesses that allow people to add themselves to the list when they arrive at the business. All you have to do is put the URL into the browser of any tablet and you have your own check-in station. By setting the widget option to only show the “Add Yourself” screen, and not the estimated wait you might show on a website, it simplifies the page even further. You can also add custom instructions and images to the bottom of the page for more clarity.

When asking customers to enter themselves, the simpler you make the interface, the less chances there are for mistakes and frustration. The hosted widget page makes it easy for your customers to add themselves, which makes it easier for you.